The University of Florida Academic & Professional Assembly (APA) is dedicated to enriching the professional lives of 5,000+ UF staff by fostering an inclusive community through advocacy, education, and recognition. APA hosts monthly informal meetups, conversations with high-level administrators, and tours of interesting areas of campus, with the goal of connecting staff with colleagues, resources, and opportunities across UF. We need YOU to make APA a vibrant and impactful resource to UF staff.
Whatever your interest and time commitment, there’s a role for you! We highly encourage staff who participate on the board to discuss the involvement with their supervisor.
Interested in a Leadership Role?
Leadership positions and committees generally revolve around the functional areas below.

Leadership positions
- Outreach and engagement chair
- Program development chair
- Communications chair
- Staff advocacy chair
- Digital chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Functional areas
- New staff
- Liaison network and partnerships
- Outreach to members outside of Gainesville
- Networking
- Wellness
- Community service
- Event planning and management
- Web design
- Photography
- Strategic planning
- Advocacy
Interested in Being a Representative?
If you don’t have the capacity to take on a leadership role or serve on a committee/project at this time, but would like to get more involved, that’s ok! Think of representatives as our street team, minus passing out flyers or tabling. We need representatives to assist with the grassroots effort to connect with more APA members across campus, and beyond.
Board Roles & Expectations
APA elected leaders are motivated and drive success by putting action to strategy. Those in board leadership positions are expected to work towards the year’s goals. This means attending the monthly APA board meeting and multiple APA events per semester, fulfilling duties as outlined in our bylaws, and representing APA in their department/unit/college. Board members commit to serving the board for one year following an election. The vice president role is ideally a two-year term with succession to the president role. Reelection is permissible for all roles.
Committee members support chair positions by contributing their skills and expertise on specific projects and areas. They have opportunities to provide ongoing feedback on programming and initiatives. By serving as a committee member, you’ll have the opportunity to contribute at a higher level, potentially paving your way to higher-level leadership roles in APA in the future. Committee members commit to serving on the board for one year, to represent APA in their department/unit/college, and to attend two APA events per semester.
Representatives are the foundation for APA – they connect with staff in their own area, share APA opportunities, and represent their department/unit/college’s voice within APA. Representatives commit to serving on the board for one year, and to attend one APA event per semester.