2012-13 APA Participation
May 8, 2013 2:25 pm
While APA programs are tailored to meet the interests of professional staff at the university, APA sponsored programs and events are open to anyone, including APA members, faculty, students, OPS employees and the general public. At least 245 people participated in the 2012-13 APA programs.
APA member participation is increasing, and many who are getting active are staying active. We encourage you to get involved in APA programs, network with other members and reach out to the board. This organization exists to serve your needs, so make it yours – organizational strength and effectiveness relies on your voice and participation.
*Acknowledges our most active members who participated in more than one program, thank you for your support!
Kim | Abbott | Cassie | Macias | |
Jennifer | Adamson | *Olysha | Magruder | |
Aigi | Adesogan | Heather | Maness | |
Mary Alice | Albritton | John | Marks | |
Mark | Albritton | Robin | Marrin | |
Kenneth | Allen | Allen | Masters | |
Adrian | Allen | Kari | Mattox | |
Osmara | Altenhof | Lynn | Max | |
Elizabeth | Amdur | Robert | May | |
*Debra | Amirin | Chanda | McCann | |
Sara | Arrighi | Anthony | McClendon | |
Jackie | Ayers | William | McCombie | |
*James | Ayres | Martha | Mcdonald | |
Robin | Bailey | Deborah | McEdward | |
Canan “Janan” | Balaban | Brook | Mercier | |
Suzanne | Ball | Elnora | Mitchell | |
Claire | Baralt | Matt | Mitterko | |
Sandra | Bass | Eric | Money | |
Lynette | Belforti | *Terry | Moore | |
Dina | Benson | Chris | Moran | |
Susan | Blair | Wantanisha | Morant | |
Lizette | Bloom Classen | Kamia | Morris | |
Karen | Bray | Lorrin | Moss | |
Marika | Brigham | Peggy | Myers | |
*June | Bristol | Joni | Nattiel | |
Cheri | Brodeur | *Connie | Nicklin | |
Kimberly | Browne | *Melissa | Orth | |
Bob | Bryant | James | Osgard | |
Kimberly | Buchholz | Robert | Ostrow | |
Justin | Burley | Tom | Otto | |
Peter | Byatt | Tess | Palmer | |
Philip | Calvert | Gerald | Parham | |
Jeremiah | Carlson | Christa | Parmerlee | |
Kathy | Carnes | Renee | Patterson | |
Jaime | Carreon | Patti | Perry | |
Sarah | Carswell | Carl | Perry | |
Mike | Carter | Joe | Piazza | |
Tom | Cassarly | Deepa | Pindolia | |
Mike | Chale | Roderick | Pittman | |
Weijun | Chen | Keith | Ponitz | |
TaJuana | Chisholm | *Cheryl | Porter | |
Schuan | Chisholm | Stacy | Porvasnik | |
Alana | Christou | Scott | Powell | |
Alisson | Clark | Jacob | Prater | |
Coralu | Clements | Marianne | Preisler | |
Carla | Connell | Tabatha | Pursley | |
Phylis | Craig | Paul | Ramey | |
Jim | Craig | Javier Andres | Real Ramirez | |
Joan | Crisman | Craig | Reed | |
Dan | Cromer | Connie | Reed | |
Paula | Crowley | *Lisa | Reed | |
Rafael | Cruzado | Merry | Reid | |
Diana | Davis | Andrea | Rennia | |
Victor | De La Cruz | Libbie | Richardson | |
Mary Alice | Dennis | Ron | Richter | |
*Rachel | DiSesa | Judith | Roberts | |
*Grace | Dixon | Rhonda | Robinson | |
Marina | Djerekarova | *Mark | Robinson | |
Veronica | Donoso | Cecilia | Rodriguez | |
Susan | Dorff | Dorothea | Roebuck | |
Nick | Dunham | *Jessica | Ropicki | |
Sandra | Durham | Michael | Rule | |
Chris | Easley | Heidi | Saliba | |
Katie | Eddleton | Monica | Santos | |
*Beth | Eddy | Pat | Schauweker | |
Stephen | Eikenberry | Karen | Schneider | |
Mark | Elliott | Peveeta | Seeraj | |
Glenda | Ellis | Eric | Segal | |
Randy | Fischer | Cathy | Sharp | |
Colleen | Flage | Wendy | Sheehan | |
John | Flowers | Robyn | Sheppard | |
Joseph | Floyd | Amalia | Shortsleeve | |
*Cynthia | Freeman | Janine | Sikes | |
Paula | Fussell | Jill-Capri | Simms | |
Tracy | Gale | Kim | Simpson | |
Claire | Germain | Stephanie | Sims | |
*Richard | Goldstein | Deidra | Slough | |
*Christine | Gough | *Martin | Smith | |
*Cheryl | Granto | *Whitney | Smith | |
Elaine | Green | Khalid | Snowden | |
*Sommer | Green | Robin | Snyder | |
Fran | Greenberg | Mary Ann | Soncrant | |
Hal | Grieb | Sarah | Spaid Ishida | |
Christel | Gross | Bradley | Spatz | |
Nathan | Hanson | Cindy | Spence | |
Pete | Harden | Debra | Staats | |
Ira | Harkness | Susan | Stanford | |
*Dana | Harpe | Suzanne | Stapleton | |
Pearl Ann | Harris | Michael | Stapleton | |
Sally | Harvin | Chris | Stetter | |
Joe | Hayden | Jeff | Stevens | |
Cindy | Heesacker | Missy | Stone | |
Rodger | Hendricks | Dan | Stoner | |
Emilia | Hodge | Lyn | Straka | |
*Anne Marie | Hollingshead | *Grace | Strawn | |
Sheri | Holloway | Joni | Teerlink | |
Cindy | Holmes | Jacques | Thimote | |
Betty | Holt | Jane | Thomas | |
Cathy | Hoover | Kathleen | Tillett | |
Brittany | Hoover | Karen | Tillman | |
Jennifer | Hosford | Alison | Trachet | |
Hao | Hu | Nihal | Tumer | |
Carol | Huber | *Alicia | Turner | |
Robin | Hull Kress | Nettie | Van Wyne | |
Michelle | Hunter | Christine | Velasquez | |
Angela | Hunter-Edwards | Amit | Verma | |
Kathryn | Ivey | Dmitri | Vershinin | |
Ping | Jian | Leah | Villanueva | |
Dale | Johnson | *Tim | Vinson | |
Stefanie | Jones | Sue | Wagner | |
Marta | Keilhauer | Matt | Walker | |
Kris | Kirmse | John | Watson | |
*Bob | Kolb | Sara | Weitzel | |
*George | Kolb | Colin | Wheeler | |
Debra | Krawczykiewicz | Chris | Whitehurst | |
Michael | Kung | Claire | Williams | |
Lisa | Langley | Mil | Willis | |
Jon | Lanhart | Marijka | Willis | |
David | Lewis | Clifford | Wilson | |
Lori | Little | Isabelle | Winzeler | |
Dorothy | Long | Amber | Wuertz | |
Nelda | Loper | Christine | Yip | |
Sharon | Lu |