Q&A with President Machen
The UF APA and Association for Academic Women are pleased to announce a co-sponsored program with President Bernie Machen on February 19 from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. in Smathers Library (East), Room 1A.
Each year, President Machen takes time out of his busy schedule to talk with professional staff about their issues and concerns. At the end of last year’s Q&A with President Machen, he expressed his appreciation for senior administrators on campus and acknowledged the importance of the APA and the role it plays in providing a collective voice for professional staff on campus.
This year the APA and AAW are co-sponsoring the event to provide an opportunity for professional staff and women Faculty to engage with President Machen on the current state of our university and its strategic vision and direction. Mingle with APA and AAW Board Members during a casual networking event right before (3:00 – 3:30 p.m.) and after (4:30 – 5:00 p.m.). Light refreshments will be served.
We hope you will join us for another enlightening conversation with President Machen. Come prepared with your questions and concerns. If you cannot attend, email them to APA President Alicia Turner (aliciatu@ufl.edu) prior to the meeting, and she will ask them for you. President Machen has said numerous times that he relies on APA members to help him understand how you feel about the university and the changes taking place, and this is your opportunity.
This event is free and open to anyone, including TEAMS employees, OPS employees, students, faculty and the general public. We strongly encourage you to attend and to bring others who are interested.