IT Tech Funding – What is YOUR Idea?

January 1, 2013 2:39 am

This year there is nearly $1 million available to fund projects that enhance instruction with technology for students and faculty through the Technology Fee.  Anyone in the UF community with an idea that fits the submission guidelines is encouraged to participate in the process.  Utilizing tech fee dollars is an excellent way to enhance the university’s teaching and learning environment. 

A proposed idea, in the form of a concept paper must be discussed and receive a signature from a core UFIT unit listed on the Concept Paper Template, available on the website. The deadline for this submission is February 15, 2013.  In the two-part review process, concept papers will be reviewed by an advisory committee in March. The committee will then invite finalists to submit full proposals in April. After review of the proposals, recommendations will be to Elias Eldayrie, CIO. Funding awards will be announced at the end of April.

Complete information, guidelines, templates and projects previously funded can be found on the website:

If you have any questions about the submission process please contact Anne Allen,, technical support administrator for the Technology Fee Advisory Committee.